Saturday, December 6, 2008

Last Day in Hong Kong

We started off at McDs of course. However, we splurged and let the kids eat cheesecake and brownies for breakfast-YUM! Yes, this was served at McDs. Then we were off and running on our own. We found a great park with a playground. The kids had fun and it was really pretty. They had birds and flowers everywhere. The weather here is awesome. It is around 70 degrees everyday. Sheila and Jophy say they are cold all the time, but I must have already gained a few pounds since I am quite comfortable :)

We then visited the malls and did some window shopping. Sheila found the Nike store. I was happy to find a Toast Store. Just plain fresh baked breads-YUM! Here are some pics for you guys. Sheila had her very first encounter with the squatty pottys and Shelby had her own kid's pottys!
We are about to be off to the train to Guangzhou. Jophy will be here in a minute.


Michael said...

Enjoy the train ride. Sheridan would love to ride the train. Have a safe trip to your last stop (Lucy's) Ha, Ha.


Mary said...

Are you kidding me???? That's what the toilets are like?? Crack. Me. Up!!