No, no, not to my house...but to Tymm and Laura's house! Congrats to some of my First Friday friends for the referral of their new son currently residing in Ethiopia. Click here for their blog. I am very excited for them. They are doing this adoption first while they await their next little one from China. There is always something extra special about a couple who is expecting their first baby. Oh if they only realized how much free time they are currently using up now. Hoping their lives (and free times) are filled with as much happiness and adventure as mine is!
The Rest Of January (Including CNY)
Our family had a number of things going on during the month of January. I
already posted that it was Doug's birthday and my parents' 55th wedding
So exciting!
I love happy times..
Shelby is just beautitful. I really enjoyed meeting her on Wednesday at WW. SHe is so fun and cheerful, I never dreamed that she would be so outgoing, she wasnt shy at all, just happy go lucky, She is truly a miracle, I know that she will have the best life possible. God bless you and your family for being such good openhearted people, And by the way she did not bother us on Wednesday I was enjoying watching her. SHe was so precious
Take care of yourself as well as the family
I know that God will continue to bless you all
Charlece from WW
Amen! Doug and I wonder what we used to waste our time doing pre-kiddos! Must have just sat around a lot, but for some reason, I don't remember that!
Thank you so much! We are pretty stoked. I am sure we are wasting all kinds of precious free time - we need to use the next few months to really learn how to optimize that!
We can not wait to see Shelby!!
Thanks Again - all of our First Friday Friends mean so much to us - you guys all get it.
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