Sunday, August 26, 2007

Caution-Tear Jerker

I just watched this video link from Amy's blog. Oh my what a powerful song for the adoption world. Everyone involved in any way with adoption can certainly relate to this song and video. I will never know Shelby's mom, I will never know her heartache, I will never know how much she cried, I will never know her feelings, and most of all I will never be able to thank her for giving me this wonderful gift-the gift of Shelby's life! Here is the video, click here to cry.


Steve and Darcy said...

Thanks! Not like I haven't been crying enough over the Fay's journey in China!! Great video, but you were right - it is definitely a tear-jerker!!

Unknown said...

I love the song. The artist was adopted so its really special. I have a different video from him on my personal blog.

Hope you are doing well!!!