The August stork arrived yesterday for all the families that were logged in from November 15-21, 2005. Yes, I said 2005! These are for NSN (non-special needs) families that had an LID of 11/15/05-11/21/05. So as you can see they have waiting a long long time to finally see their baby's face. Congratulations to all of them. Here are a few of their links to new families:
To China for Love
Waiting for LandreeJukanovich
Jiejie and Meimei
Winding Vines
Alyssa Brooke
Baby Berwick
Becky Singleton Blog
Burke Family
The Ost Family
We are off to First Friday tonight at the Chapman's, Yeah! I can't explain what it means to me to be able to go and socialize with other adoptive (ing) parents. I guess it is just one of those things that unless you've been there, you have no idea. Kind of like being a mom in general. There is no way to explain to someone what it feels like and means to be a mom, unless you are talking to another mom. Living in the "adoption world" now has really opened my eyes to a whole new level of life and celebrations. I am so grateful to the Chapmans for hosting this once a month meeting that has truly changed my life :)
The Rest Of January (Including CNY)
Our family had a number of things going on during the month of January. I
already posted that it was Doug's birthday and my parents' 55th wedding
Yea for referrals!
We won't be at First Friday tonight, and will really miss it. It has been a huge blessing to us. You are correct, there is nothing like being surrounded by the adoption community.
Have a great night! You'll have to blog about so I'll know what we missed!
We wont be there either so I really cant wait to hear about it. Next month Sheridan will be there!
Please let us know what happens and its been an amazing experience!
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