I found the deal of the day for sure. Signing Times is having a great sale on their VHS tapes at http://www.signingtime.com/index.php?cPath=32 . These videos are raved about especially on my cleft boards. I had not purchased any yet because the DVDs were 20 bucks each. I was almost ready to just suck it up and pay that since Shelby is getting so good at signing. We only know a few signs and she uses ALL of them that I have been able to learn myself. So I knew it was time to broaden our signing knowledge. Well wouldn't you know it, someone on the boards posted about this great deal. So of course I bought 4 of the videos and hope to have us all up to speed on learning lots of new signs. It really really helps for us to know what Shelby is thinking and wanting to tell us by using sign language. Just wanted to share the deal with everyone. Also if you don't have this other great website marked, click here to visit and see how to sign any word you want. Great website for me since I only seem to pick up a sign a week when I find me telling Shelby something over and over and want her to understand. This week we learned the sign for work and last week we learned the sign for school. So now in the morning she will tell me that Travis and Caleb go to school and Mommy and Daddy go to work , and then she will look at me to tell her where she is going that day. Too cute!
A Very Dark Day For Democracy
Half the country looks at today as a very dark day. It is a day that I
hoped and prayed would never come again, but it is here.
The USA is inaugurating ...
I passed this along to Melissa! Thanks! You are so on top of things!. L
Shelby is one smart girl! Laney LOVES the Signing Time DVD. It's helped her learn quite a few signs.
We used Signing Time DVDs with the boys and used signs to communicate before they could talk. It was incredible. Saved a lot of frustration trying to figure out what everyone wanted/needed. It's a great program.
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