Monday, March 17, 2008


Trust...sounds like a simple word but oh how so much goes into that one little word. Trust is something that especially comes difficult to an adopted child. After all that my little girl has been through, it is amazing to me that she would ever trust someone ever again. BUT, I get the sense that she has and that she does "trust" me now. I can't really explain why I feel this way; however, there are a lot of little signs recently that give me this feeling. Maybe it is the way she puckers up to kiss me now. Maybe it is the way she strokes my hair and face at night now. Maybe it is the way she calls for me in the morning to come pick her up out of bed now. No longer is she scared that I won't come for her or be there every morning. Now she simply calls for me and she knows I will come. Maybe it is simply her special smile she gives me each and every day. Whatever it is...I am loving the fact that she is feeling secure in her family and secure with me as her mom!

We are about to have all things tested and tried as we are quickly approaching her surgery date-April 7. The main reason I have waited this long for her palate surgery was to do just her she could trust me. I love it when things turn out the way they are planned. I am so hoping her surgery does the same. I pray every night for her pain control, her patience levels, her healing, my endurance, her surgeons, her nurses, and most importantly for her to trust me during this difficult time she will be facing. I wish I could explain to her that this surgery is for her well being, but adults sometimes don't even understand that. So all I can hope for is that she trusts me enough to know that I am there for her and that I would not do anything to hurt her and that I love her very very much. Please add my baby to your prayer list since I know God is the one who will get us through this together.


Heather said...

Shelby's in our prayers. We're here for you if you need anything!

Briana's Mom said...

I will definitely be praying for your strong and beautiful little girl and you and your family!

Unknown said...

praying for all of you

The Evans Family said...

We will be praying for Shelby. She will be in the best of hands at Scottish Rite and the Craniofacial team. They have earned my trust because they have treated my sweet Analiese as their own! I hope that Shelby heals as quickly as Analiese!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

I almost made it thru my list of "regulars" that I check without crying -- then I come to this sweet post about your little girl! YES, you know we will pray for all of the people listed.

Special K said...

You will certainly be in our prayers. Praying for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. She can tell Micah all about it!