Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! Here is just a small glimpse into the past 4 days of my life, in no particular order mind you...
- 3 Speech Therapy sessions
- Purchased turkey for first Friday, delivered to Mom's house
- Tracked down renters to collect late rent
- 3 kids haircuts
- 1 ice cream trip to Bruster's with friends
- 3 kids to gymnastics
- Email to Travis' teacher checking on his bad behavior
- Email to Caleb's teacher to clarify class project instructions
- Scheduled Shelby's Cleft Clinic appointment
- Cancelled one of Shelby's speech appointment so she can do above appointment
- Scheduled Faith's ENT appointment
- Paid multiple medical bills along with other household bills
- Re-scheduled Faith's 6 month post placement home study appt
- Dinner at Joe's Crab Shack with friends
- Pulled together blog lists for first Friday
- Called Rosa for cleaning on first Friday day
- Put together demonstration for first Friday
- Terminated 2 employees
- Absorbed their positions into my schedule
- Took big paycut along with everyone else at work
- Was home alone 2 nights since CJ was working out of town this week
- Weight Watchers and lunch with a friend
- Counseled/prayed for a friend in marital crisis
- Made calls to adoption friends waiting to travel to head off hysteria from CCAA post today
- Church on Wednesday for dinner and puppet show with the kids
- Grocery shopping twice since I buy hot stuff at lunch to leave in car- cold stuff night to take home quickly
- Dishes 3 times
- Bathed each child at least once (I think;)
- I even got a shower a couple of times
- Woke up approximately 3 times every night to comfort Faith back to sleep
- Fed stupid guinea pigs 3 times
- Fed my children multiple times
- Signed multiple papers for school
- Put more lunch money on boy's accounts online
- Got up and reminded the tooth fairy at 2AM to not forget about Travis' tooth under his pillow
- Worked approximately 7.5 hours everyday (not at home)
- Blogged daily :)
I am sure I have forgotten a few things. These are just the ones I happen to have time to post about. I hope your life is as blessed and full as mine :) Never a dull moment that is for sure!