Wednesday, February 4, 2009

OCD Dishwasher

Ok, Faith really doesn't have OCD (I don't think), but she does have an obsession of emptying things out. She will clean off a coffee table in a flash one piece at a time. She will empty out a bucket of toys one toy at a time. If you give her a cup of Cheerios, yep one at a time they will be taken out of the cup. So needless to say you can see where this is going with the dishwasher...

She sees a bucket full of silverware just staring her in the face NEEDING to be emptied! So without fail everytime I open the dishwasher-she is there in a flash with her empting abilities ready to go! One piece at a time comes out of the container. Sounds great right? A one year old already trained to do the dishes. Well that sounds great in theory, but guess what you are supposed to do next...LOAD the dishwasher!!

Never a pretty sight as she sees a completely full container of "needing-to-be-emptied-out-immediately-silverware" dissappearing slowly if front of her as the door closes so tightly from her little finger tips ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need to see her!!! She is just too cute!