Friday, September 21, 2007


In honor of my ladybug post yesterday, Shelby's grandma gave me some of the items she has been collecting for Shelby and a cute cross-stitch ornament she made as well. So I will take it as another sign of good luck!! Thanks!
Tonight is 3rd Friday on the other side of town. I really have enjoyed attending 3rd Fridays as they are very informative and educational. Tonight is no exception. Here is the blurb of what the Vance's have planned for us this evening:
I want to let you know what the topic will be for the evening so you will be prepared and can prepare your children if you are planning to bring them along. There will be a panel of adopted teens and adults talking with the group about adoption issues they faced as they approached their teen years (and beyond). You will hear from both international and domestic adoptees. Hearing what they have to share will help to prepare you for what your children may experience as they get older. If you have specific questions you would like to have addressed by the panel, please email them directly in advance to Sue Mathis,
I think this is going to be a very enlightening discussion to hear from the real thing-adoptees. I feel very lucky to have such resources so available in our area. Of course I am also looking forward to seeing Ally and Frannie in person again! Planning on a great evening spent with adoption friends :)


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Your turn is COMING SOON! Shelby, Frannie and Ally will be looking at each other soon!

Unknown said...

That sounds very interesting. You'll have to share what you learn tonight.