Successful Adoption Indicators
There are several factors that can predict the possibility of a successful adoption as well as the possibility of an adoption disruption. Having a good understanding of your family and the dynamics that it presents can help circumvent any possible problems before and after a child comes home.
Adoptive families that are working towards or currently possess the following characteristics are more likely to have a successful adoption experience:
*Families with emotional support from their family and friends
*Families who did not care what the “Jones” think
*Membership in an adoption support group (families share common problems which normalizes their own family transitional problems)
*Family engages in family leisure activities as a whole throughout the week
*Involvement in a religious practice
*Lower to middle income, high school or two or less years of college education
*Children who have been able to maintain past relationships in their new placements
*Adoptive Families who remain active within their adoption agency
*Children who have been able to have closure with past caregivers
*Families with some child care or parenting experiences
*Families who continue to education themselves about adoption issues as well as any special needs of the child
*Families with a strong marriage or partnership
*Families that are more empathic towards a child and the past issues that they have had to face rather than blaming them for the family problems
*Adoptive families who put the needs of the child before their own-ALWAYS
*Easy assess to post-adoption services
*Resolved infertility issues
*Women who do not need to feel “appreciated” everyday and do not take child rejection or behavioral concerns personally
Fortunately, we have a whole lot of "checks" for this list!
The Rest Of January (Including CNY)
Our family had a number of things going on during the month of January. I
already posted that it was Doug's birthday and my parents' 55th wedding
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