My brother in law was involved in a very serious car accident today that unfortunately ended another man's life. The other man suddenly crossed the yellow line and hit Scott head on. Fortunately Scott is alive and generally doing OK. He was released from the hospital to see more docs tomorrow for his leg and shoulder.
Scott of course, was way more concerned about the other person during this ordeal. As Scott was pinned inside his van, he had no choice but to witness first hand the end of the other man's life. No one understands why this person suddenly lost control of his vehicle and crossed the yellow line, but they are going to try to figure that out. Scott did nothing wrong and unfortunately this will probably change him forever. However, I hope that he understands that we are all so very glad that he is OK and alive.
So I go back to my title today. Stop right now and listen to your hearts and figure out who it is that you love today. Spend time with those people and be sure to let them know how much they mean to you. For no one knows what tomorrow might bring, live your life everyday thankful to have each person you love around you. We are so grateful to have Uncle Scott in our lives and we love him very much :)
The Rest Of January (Including CNY)
Our family had a number of things going on during the month of January. I
already posted that it was Doug's birthday and my parents' 55th wedding
I can't imagine how hard that must be (and will be) on him. Glad he is OK, but so sorry he had this happen.
Good point.
That is so terrible. Sorry to read this. Thanks for the reminder of what is important. Glad Scott is OK.
So glad Scott is okay and we will pray for the other family involved as their Christmas will be quite different. Thanks for the reminder, especially this time of year, to just slow down and appreciate and enjoy the ones we love!
We ALL do lead too hectic lives...what a reminder that in a moment's notice a life can be ended! We are so thankful that Scott is OK and saddened that a family will be without their loved one....only GOD knows why.
Glad to hear Scott is ok! So sorry to hear of this terrible news of the accident--a wake up call to us all.
You are so right Donna. It is important that we live in the present and take the time to tell those that are important to us that we love them! I'm glad to hear that Scott survived the crash and will keep him in my prayers as he deals with the aftermath of this experience.
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