Friday, May 30, 2008

Conversation w/Shelby

I always enjoy her posts about conversations with her little one, so I thought I would post one. Here are the details of me putting Shelby to bed tonight:

Me: Night night Shelby see you tomorrow
S: Night night Moma
S: Moma work tomorrow?
Me: No, Moma doesn't have to go to work tomorrow
S: Why?
Me: Moma gets to stay home with you tomorrow. We are going to go swimming.
S: Caleb?
Me: Yes, Caleb is going to go swimming with us too.
S: Why?
Me: Because we are going to Sheila's tomorrow to go swimming
S: Travis?
Me: Yes, Travis is going too.
S: Why?
S: Daddy?
Me: No, Daddy is going to work tomorrow
S: Why?
Me: To make money for us
S: Why?
S: Austin?
Me: Yes, Austin will be there tomorrow
S: Scott
Me: Yes, Scott will be there too
S: Sheila
Me: No, Sheila has to go to work
S: Why?
S: Moma what's that (I have a weird red spot under my eye all of a sudden)
Me: I have a boo boo
S: Why?
Me: I don't know. Will you kiss it for me?
S: No Moma
Me: Why?
S: Moma get Bandaid
Me: Ok, Moma will get a bandaid tomorrow.

Got to love this little one and her prolonging actual sleep. Oh how I love every minute with her (well Ok not EVERY minute-but ya know)!!


Special K said...

I just LOVE these circular conversations. Treasure each moment.

Dan and Liz said...

We have the big WHY Mommy issue at bed too.
Hee Hee Hee
Michelle and Liz

Heather said...

Ha!! Gotta love the "why" stage! How cute!! Another one that Lily will ask is, "Whas sat?" (What's that?) And this one just happened beside me on the bed a minute ago--Eric: it's time to go to sleep
Lily: killin' me here!

I love this age!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Ally will now say "ME?" and point to herself when we say most anything to her!

RamblingMother said...

Yes anything and everything to prolong the dreaded sleep!! How come it is that I enjoy sleep so much but Glenys doesn't??? Does any toddler/pre-schooler enjoy sleep?

Angela and Jay said...

So cute!!