Friday, August 28, 2009

Turkey Loo Hoo

Yes, that is what I call my Shelby baby all the time...Turkey Loo-Hoo! What a big girl Shelby is these days. She is doing GREAT at school this year. No tears at all, just excitement! If you have followed our journey, then you know how miraculous this is for her. She went right off to school the first day all excited!! Ms. Libby (principal at her school) reminded the other day when we were talking about Faith and how her adjustment was going. Libby said, "Well you do remember that Shelby cried for a whole straight month!". Oh my yes I do remember :( Well look at my big girl now. Who would have thought?!?!

Shelby did have her big cleft team appointment and it was decided that she does need to have the full p-flap surgery done. Basically they will cut out a piece of skin from the back of her throat and then attach that to the end of her palate (uvula) to create an extra barrier that will keep air from flowing straight up through her nose. I know that isn't "exactly" what they are doing, but that is the surgery in a nutshell. SO hopefully once she has healed from the surgery, she will start making more consonant sounds. Right now she only has a few consonants that she can say like M, N, L, H. Unfortunately the surgery is supposed to be a very painful one :(

I will keep everyone posted as to when we schedule the p-flap. I am hoping to do it around Thanksgiving time so the boys will be home to "entertain" away the pain a bit. My Turkey Loo Hoo is such a beautiful blessing!

1 comment:

Beth and Ryan said...

I am so glad that you post about her progress. Thank you for sharing!