Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of School

Yes, today was the first day of school for the kids! Caleb started 4th grade, Travis started 1st grade, and Shelby started back her public school speech classes. As you can see, they weren't too thrilled about getting up early. We had a later than planned evening since we did our re-take of our photos last night. BTW-Faith was terrible last night! She did not cooperate at all for the pics, so it will be interesting to see what all turned out. Oh well such is life. I told CJ on the way over to the shoot that we should of just all rolled around in the mud first, that would of probably been a more "real pic" of the Straights ;)

Anyway here are the pics from the morning on their first day! And yes, I even cooked them breakfast :) Now they didn't really eat it, but I did cook it. My mom told me the girls were already taking their naps this morning at 10AM. Sure hope we get into bed earlier tonight.

1 comment:

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

I'll just say this -- "we survived"!