A lot of people have asked for more details about Shelby. Here is all of the information we received when we got her referral. This report was completed in December 2006 when she was 15 months old. I am sure she has changed since then, but this is all I know about her life at this moment. Enjoy!
Admission Process: name given by the Institute: Ning Fu Hong; female; born September 11, 2005.
On September 24, 2005, infant was found abandoned at the gate of Yongning District Social
Welfare District. Nanning City’s Public Security Bureau’s Chengguan Police were sent to locate
birth parents, but were unsuccessful. On the same day after being approved by Yongning District
Public Security Bureau, Chengguan Police brought her to our institute for caretaking. At
discovery, a birth note was found with her, stating “lunar calendar birthday, equivalent to the
Gregorian calendar: September 11, 2005”
Physical Condition: admission physical examination as follows – Temp: 36.1°C; respirations: 35
bpm; pulse: 140 bpm; weight: 3 kg; head circumference 32 cm; chest circumference 31 cm; length:
50 cm; infant was conscious, alert and had congenital cleft lip and palate; robust cry, good
suckling reflex, supple skin and medium nutritious condition; left lip cleft and palate cleft III°.
Ears and eyes normal with no secretion; neck supple; symmetrical chest; heart, lungs on
stethoscopic evaluation normal; abdomen soft; liver and spleen not palpable; umbilical cord
detached; area no secretion of fluids; spine, four limbs no deformity; movement good; anus and
outer reproductive organs, no deformity; “embrace” reflex exists.
On April 28, 2006, under general anesthesia, patient underwent single side complete cleft lip
repair surgery and initial nasal deformity repair surgery. Incision has healed well.
Intellect Development: under the diligent care of the foster family, Ning Fu Hong’s development
is good; in the first and second month, she slept most of the time. On November 6, 2005, she was
brought to the foster family. Between four and five months, when held by her thighs, Ning Fu
Hong could sit. She could raise her head up and reacted directionally appropriate to sounds;
when hearing music, she’d show excitement by kicking her legs and waving her hands.
When played with, little Ning Fu Hong makes lovely “ge ge” giggles. She can easily raise her head.
Between 6 and 7 months, when held under her arms, Ning Fu Hong could stand up and do kicking
motions; she could roll from lying on her back to rolling to her belly. Both her hands could grab
toys effortlessly. When handed a small play block, she can hold onto it and shake it. Ning Fu
Hong places her hands into her mouth and then playfully takes it out again; she loves to wave her
hands gleefully. Her legs kick vigorously and alternating left and right. She loves to vocalize with
“ye ye ya ya” sounds.
Between 8 and 9 months, Ning Fu Hong could crawl, sit by herself, and play with toys by herself.
She could stand while holding onto a railing, or sit down and change to a lying position. She can
reach her arms out to “ask” adults to hold her. She shows preference to familiar people. Ning Fu
Hong started vocalizing specifically towards familiar people.
At 10-11 months, when brought outdoors to play, Ning Fu Hong shows excitement. When she sees
food, she’ll “demand” it! If she’s not given it right away, she’ll get impatient and fuss. When she
sees toys or colorful objects, Ning Fu Hong will play or touch it with interest. When her name is
called, Ning Fu Hong appears very happy and smiles broadly towards you. When asked, “where
are your eyes, where is your mouth?” she can point them out to you. When held by both hands,
Ning Fu Hong can walk. Ning Fu Hong can imitate adults movements, such as waving goodbye.
Between 12 and 13 months, Ning Fu Hong can walk well, can tussle toys from her peers and when
taught to recognize characters on a picture book, she can already identify them by pointing her
finger at them when prompted. Sometimes, when she plays outdoors, Ning Fu Hong will yell
eagerly, “ba, ma!” Now she can imitate more adults’ movements such as nodding her head,
waving her hands and winking.
Life habits and character: since admission, Ning Fu Hong has enjoyed a good life schedule and
1. Diet: 7 meals per day; 7:00 a.m., (milk); 8:00 a.m., (bone soup with rice gruel); 10:20 a.m.,
(milk); 12 noon (vegetable, pork and gruel); 3:00 p.m. (milk); 6:00 p.m. (pork liver,
vegetable and gruel); 9:00 p.m. (milk)
2. Sleep: 9:00 p.m. goes to bed; 6:40 a.m. gets up; 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. has nap
3. Bathing: twice per day, summer at 9:00 a.m. and winter at 4:00 p.m.
4. Bowel habits: one to two bowel movements daily; 8-10 urinations daily
The Rest Of January (Including CNY)
Our family had a number of things going on during the month of January. I
already posted that it was Doug's birthday and my parents' 55th wedding
1 comment:
How wonderful to get all this great information!
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