Monday, November 30, 2009

New Addition to the Family

No, not another baby exactly...A new animal has arrived at the Straights! The boys have continued to drive me crazy asking for a dog. Since our lifestyle would never warrant a dog to live here, I conceded and told them we could get a cat. They were thrilled of course!

So I contacted my sister's friend who does animal fostering and rescue to see if she had a cat available that would work with my crazy 4 kids. She said she had the perfect one for us. So after a W@lmart trip for all the cat supplies, we went and picked up our new pet. The boys have named her Allie. She is doing well here and the kids are enjoying her company. Allie has learned to leave the area soon after Faith arrives, but she really has been good tolerating Faith in general ;)

Oh my the things we do for our children!!


Unknown said...


Kim said...

Just wait till Faith finds the litter box!!!!!

Steve and Darcy said...

You are CRAZY!! No pets for us - at least not for a LONG time!! Four kids are enough for me!! But she does look like a nice cat!! If we ever do have pets, I vote for a cat. Enjoy!!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Love the name! I also love the elective chaos - I'm good at seeking that out too! Cats over dogs any day (yes, we have both - not my choice!)..