Monday, November 16, 2009

Double Digit Day

Can you believe it, my baby boy is TEN years old today as in 10 !!!! I can't believe he has officially hit the double digits?! Happy Birthday to the best 10 year old in the world. He is such a great kid and I am so so lucky to get to be his mom!
We celebrated his birthday this weekend with family and friends at the house. His big birthday present was a new pellet gun. CJ took him squirrel hunting all day Saturday but they came back empty handed. Never fear though, Caleb took matters into his own hands and killed one yesterday in our back yard. Disgusting, I know. Frank even helped him gut it and skin it and it now resides in the garage freezer (no it is not allowed in my house). YUCK!

Anyhow as you can see from his smile, Caleb thought it was the best thing in the world?! BTW, CJ doesn't hunt and we have never expressed interest in "killing" things around here, but I suppose some things you are just born with?! So needless to say Caleb had a GREAT birthday and since today is the official big day, he took birthday cookies to school to celebrate with his friends. Happy Birthday to the best Caleb in the World!!

PS: Shelby goes into surgery today at 2PM. Prayers are appreciated and I will try to post as soon as I can. Thanks!


Joan (Nana) said...

Happy Birthday Caleb...thanks for being so helpful. I think you are such a great Big Brother. Nana loves you

Lori said...

Sorry we missed the big celebration. Ashlee had soccer UGH!!!! When will this sports thing be over!!!!????? said...

Hey Donna,

Send Caleb down here, my brother has a friend who hunts alligators. The good thing is he won't have to bring his gun down, they use knifes...

HAPPY 10th B'day Caleb.