Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Expect the Unexpected

I am reminded today about all of the "unknowns" in the adoption world. Actually, I think I should change that to all of the unknowns in the "parenting" world. Once you become a parent you have no idea how and what your children will get you into.

Take for example, my friend Ellen. Ellen has adopted two special needs kiddos just like I have. Her newest daughter, Grace, is cleft affected like my Shelby. Grace just had her palate repaired about a week or 2 ago. Now I thought that I had it "rough" with Shelby's surgeries...uh NO, nothing compared to what Ellen has been through with Grace. Grace had some bleeding troubles from the start and now after being home from the hospital, she is now right back in there with more bleeding problems. Hop on over to her blog and give her some love as she surely needs it right now. I have followed a lot of others through their kiddos palate surgeries and have never seen these kinds of problems! I am in awe of Ellen with her strength and courage she is showing her daughter through this very tough time. I guess it just goes to show that we always have to expect the unexpected.

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