Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We get to keep her

Yep, we had our 6 month post adoption homestudy on Saturday and they said we can keep her! Just kidding, of course she's ours! It was actually a great visit and all 3 of my children actually behaved the entire time the social worker was there-amazing I know ;) So this is yet another paperwork hurdle passed. I am going to the agency tomorrow to get some more of the readoption paperwork processed. She's home and yet the paperchasing still hasn't ended. Oh well-she's worth every document!

Travis is playing baseball this season so here are a few pics Frank took at the game on Saturday. Of course Shelby's favorite part of baseball is Uncle Scott!


Steph said...

Congratulations! We just got our packet in the mail today from Hope For Children. I'm so excited!

Wish us luck!

Angela and Jay said...

Happy 6 months! Doesn't it go way too fast? Your kids are adorable! :-)

Briana's Mom said...

Wow - six months already! Time flies! We have had Briana home nine - I don't know where the time goes!