Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Are You Still There?

Turns out my interest in blogging returned!  I have now moved to a new private blog. 

If you would like to be added to the new blog, just send me an email and let me know who you are and then I can add you. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bloggy Diet

Well the time has come to officially say that I think I am at the end of my blogging time.  The kids are getting older, we have jumped off the adoption train that we jumped on six years ago (YES, I said it-put it out here on the internet-so it must be true), and honestly I just don't have the interest anymore to blog. 

So this post is just my disclaimer that you won't find much around here any longer.  I plan to print this one last blog book for the kids through today.  Then I think I will be done with the blogging.  Now of course I love to read others' blogs, so please don't stop YOUR blogging.  Just think it is time I stop most of mine :) 

I have enjoyed the time spent on the internet "meeting" all kinds of folks out there in the internet world.  I will be on FBook every now and then, and of course you know I do actually still talk to people in person and on the phone.  Feel free to give me a call, or drop me an email every now and then if you want to catch up with the Straight folks!

The End

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Big Day for T

Travis chose to have his birthday celebration at SkyZone this year. We loaded up the big van with all the kids and a couple of his friends to check out the new indoor trampoline park. As you can see, they had a ball!

My baby Travis will officially be in the double digits on Tuesday. Wow time flies when you are having fun :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013


We made it home around 4pm yesterday from the hospital. Ian's main issue since recovery has been him getting sick from the meds. He couldn't keep anything down at all. So today we have skipped the hard core meds, and he is feeling much better!

He will wear the cast for two weeks and then the doctor will hopefully be able to remove the pins and simply put an arm brace back on that he can take on and off when necessary. Thanks for all the prayers, they worked!

Friday, January 11, 2013

He's Out

The surgery went well. The doctor took photos on his phone and showed me the outcome before he casted his hand. Needless to say, he has a LOT if stitches and a couple of pins holding everything in its place right now.

Ian is in a bunch of pain, but once we get that under control, we are headed home!

Surgery Day

Today is the big day! We are here at Scottish Rite getting ready to change Ian's hand forever. The surgeon will be separating his two webbed fingers, removing the nubbins, and deepening his thumb space. Surgery is expected to take three hours since they have a lot of work to do.

Ian is asking tons of questions, but overall doesn't seem too nervous. He is more concerned about when he is going to get something to eat ;)

I will update when I can. Prayers appreciated. Big reveal of his cast color coming soon...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cereal Cravings

Just wondering if I am the only one out there who eats cereal almost every night before bed? There must be a support group available for this addiction somewhere. Let me know if you need to join too?!?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

BBall Day

Today was Ian's last basketball game since he is having his hand surgery next week. Pretty cool that Rob was here to see his last game. Ian did great playing on the 1st/2nd grade team this year. He really seems to enjoy sports.

Wearing Him Out

Friday, January 4, 2013

He's Here

I think it is safe to say, Rob is going to fit in easily around here :)

Better Than Santa's Visit

Look who is coming to town!!  Yes, remember Rob from this post here?  Rob is Ian's original advocate who fell in love with Ian at Bring Me Hope's summer camp in 2011.  Well guess who's in town here in the US, all the way from Ireland-ROB.  He has been attending the Passion Conference in Atlanta this week.  I am headed to get him this afternoon.  He will get spend this weekend with us-yahoo :)