Friday, February 4, 2011

NBC Back to Work

Well I heard from the NBC today and fortunately they are back in the office after being closed most of the week due to the weather. The bad part though is that they still have not approved my paperwork-ugh. This is what they said:


I have not received the file as yet. After the Texas lockbox-which is overseen by the Department of the Treasury-receives the I-800 they enter whatever information they need into their databases and then they ship the file via 2nd day air to the National Benefits Center here in Missouri. When our contractors receive the I-800 they enter the information into our database, pull the previously approved I-800A and any supplements, and combine all the correspondence into what we refer to as the child’s A, for Alien, file. (Every alien has an A file that consists of all their applications and correspondence.) When the A file has been assembled, they run the final security checks and hand deliver the file to us. Hague officers typically review the file within 2 days depending, of course, on how many A files are handed to us.

I see that information has been partially entered for this application which means that the contractors have the file in our building and are working on data entry. I should receive the file within a few days.

Hague Adoption Unit
Department of Homeland Security
United States Citizenship and Immigration
National Benefits Center, Lee's Summit, MO

Wow can you see how screwed up this is to just get my paperwork to the desk of the person who has already seen all of our stuff and approved us the first time?!?! What a waste of time and money that our gov't has put into action to supposedly "protect the children". Sure wish someone who has actually adopted a child would be put in charge of all this bureaucratic mess and fix it for "the benefit of the children". Oh well, for now I have no choice but to sit and wait...

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