Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Open House

I am about to leave to take Shelby to her preschool today to meet her new teachers. Shelby and Faith will both start "school" tomorrow. They will both be going 3 days a week from 8-12pm. Shelby is excited, Faith doesn't have a clue! Fortunately Shelby has come full circle and is excited about school now-YEAH!! Unfortunately Faith is just now starting her school experience, and I have a feeling it isn't going to set too well with her :(

I am so hoping that Faith isn't terrified like Shelby was when she first started. Hopefully Faith will be comforted by having Shelby there with her at least in the morning and seeing her a little throughout the day. I just dread the thought of Faith thinking her mommy has abandoned her :( Dropping your child off at daycare/school for the first time has a whole NEW meaning when you are dealing with adopted children. Remember at one time they were "dropped off", and never returned to their "home". I just pray that little Faith will somehow understand that Mommy is coming back...Mommy will always come back!


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

She WILL know -- she will... of course, she will... wishing for a smooth morning...

Unknown said...

Praying for a smooth transition for you and the girls!

Unknown said...

Will be praying too!! They will do great

Marian Dean said...

I hope by this end of the week, she is a little more settled to the new routine. It is such a big thing even for a non-adopted child, so it is a great test of her faith in you now, that you will always be there at the end of the day.
Blessings to all your lovely family.
Love Granny